전체 글 127

Constitutive immune mechanisms: mediators of host defence and immune regulation - Targeting microbial replication

Targeting microbial replicationDirect inhibition of microbial replication is executed by molecules that interfere with specific steps in the replication cycle of a given microorganism. There are at least six mechanisms of action in this category: restriction factors that directly block a specific replication step; restriction factors that deplete molecules essential for replication; RNA interfer..

Constitutive immune mechanisms: mediators of host defence and immune regulation - Constitutive and inducible mechanisms

A major challenge for living organisms is to maintain homeostasis in response to changes in external and internal environments. These include alterations in nutrient and water supplies, physical stress, temperature changes, physiological stress, infections and malignancies.  homeostasis 항상성 alteration 변화malignancy 악성종양 Through billions of years of evolution, the forms of life and biological proc..

Main Components of Fish Immunity - 5. Mucosal Barriers

5. Mucosal BarriersFish can interact with their surroundings through mucosal barriers while still maintaining homeostasis. Mucosal barriers (Figure 1) are extremely complex tissues with special adaptations that enhance a variety of physiological functions, including immunity, gas exchange, and nutrition. interact 상호작용하다homeostasis 항상성 physiological 생리학적으로   The principal mucosa-associated lympho..

Main Components of Fish Immunity - 4.5. - 4.9. Cellular Immune Components

4.5. Dendritic Cells (DCs)The DCs are among the antigen presenting cells found within several tissues and can initiate both innate and acquired immune responses [91]. DCs are characterized by their small cell bodies with many cytoplasmic processes (dendrites) [92] and have been found in gills, gut, skin, and ovaries. initiate 게시되게 하다cytoplasmic 세포질의gut 소화관ovaries 난소 Cell populations with DC-like..

Main Components of Fish Immunity - 4.1. - 4.4. Cellular Immune Components

4. Cellular Immune ComponentsThe immune cell populations present in fish are not very different from those found in mammals. Immune cells in teleosts include natural killer cells, non-specific cytotoxic cells, macrophages, granular leucocytes, thrombocytes, monocytes, dendritic cells, lymphocytes, mast cells, and eosinophilic granule cells. In addition, fish also possess rodlet cells and melanom..

Main Components of Fish Immunity - Innate Immune System & Antigen Processing and Presentation

Cellular immune responses consist of innate and adaptive cell-mediated immune mechanisms, where all leukocyte subpopulations are included. Among these are vital processes such as cell-mediated cytotoxicity and phagocytosis.  cell-mediated immune 세포 매개 면역leukocyte subpopulations 림프구 하위집단 vital 필수적인cell-mediated cytotoxicity 세포매개세포독성 phagocytosis 식세포 활동  The main cellular constituents of the fish ..