전체 글 127

Role of the Microbiota in Immunity and Inflammation2

Induction of Regulatory Responses by the MicrobiotaMaintenance of tissue homeostasis is imperative for host survival. This fundamental process relies on a complex and coordinated set of innate and adaptive responses that selects and calibrates responses against self, food, commensals, and pathogens in the most appropriate manner. To this end, specialized populations of cells have to integrate lo..

Role of the Microbiota in Immunity and Inflammation

IntroductionMulticellular organisms exist as meta-organisms comprised of both the macroscopic host and its symbiotic commensal microbiota. With an estimated composition of 100 trillion cells, human symbionts outnumber host cells by at least a factor of 10 and express at least 10-fold more unique genes than their host’s genome (Ley et al., 2006a). These complex communities of microbes that includ..

Intracellular Pathogens: Host Immunity and Microbial Persistence Strategies

1. IntroductionInfectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites can be categorized into extracellular or intracellular pathogens from an immunopathological perspective. Most encounters with these pathogenic agents lead to an acute infection, followed by the development of clinical signs. These infections are relatively brief, and in a healthy host, following onset of appropr..

Strategies of Intracellular Pathogens for Obtaining Iron from the Environment(보류)

1. IntroductionIntracellular pathogens are organisms that are capable of growing and reproducing inside host cells. These pathogens can be divided into facultative intracellular parasites and obligate intracellular parasites [1]. Intracellular microorganisms are very important because they cause many human diseases, resulting in significant morbidity and mortality. Some examples of infectious di..

A Comprehensive Review of Signal Peptides: Structure, Roles, and Applications(보류)

Abbreviations: SP: Signal peptide, SPase: Signal peptidase, ER: endoplasmic reticulum, LHCGR: Human luteinizing hormone receptor, CADA: Cyclotriazadisulfonamide, hCD4: Human CD4, aa: amino acid, PMF: proton motive force, VSV-G: vesicular stomatitis virus G-protein, MBP: maltose-binding protein, ALP: Alkaline phosphatase, Cel-CD: cellulase catalytic domain, RBP: ribose-binding peptide, GM-CSF: gr..

Teleost fish interferons and their role in immunity(보류)

1. IntroductionInterferons (IFNs) are virus inducible cytokines that share antiviral properties. IFNs are classified into three subfamilies, type I, II and III, on the basis of the cognate receptors they interact with and the subsequent immune responses they initiate. They differ also in genomic structure and the cell sources producing them. In tetrapods, both type I and III families contain mul..

The family of five: TIR-domain containing adaptors in Toll-like receptor signaling - MAL & TRIF

MALThe second adaptor in the TIR-domain-containing adaptor family to be discovered was MAL54,55. MAL is required for signalling by TLR2 and TLR4, serving as a bridge to recruit MyD88 (REFS 54–58). A dominantnegative version, in which the Box 2 proline in MAL was mutated to a histidine, resulted in the inhibition of TLR4 signalling, but not IL-1 signalling55. In addition, a peptide based on the B..

Multiple pathways allow protein secretion across the bacterial outer membrane(진행중)

IntroductionProtein secretion is required for numerous aspects of the bacterial life cycle, including organelle biogenesis, nutrient acquisition, and virulence-factor expression. Gram-negative bacteria face a special challenge in this regard, as secreted proteins must cross the periplasm and the outer membrane (OM) in addition to the cytoplasmic or inner membrane (IM). Secretion is defined in th..

The Role of Trogocytosis in the Modulation of Immune Cell Functions(보류)

IntroductionIn the past decade, trogocytosis (named from the ancient Greek trogo-, which means gnaw or nibble) has been attracting increasing attention in the vast fields of biology research, including immunology, microbiology, neurology, and developmental biology [1–7]. Trogocytosis is an active process, in which one cell rapidly acquires the fraction of another cell in a cell contact-dependent..